Pharmaceutical compounds
High purity caustic calcined magnesia (or calcined magnesium oxide) is used for the production of pharmaceutical additives such as magnesium acetate, magnesium stearate and basic magnesium carbonate. While pharmaceutical grade MgO specifications concern very high purity synthetic grades, Grecian Magnesite’s high purity natural grades with high Mg content, low iron & trace elements, low acid insolubles and carefully adjusted reactivity, can be invaluable as intermediates for the production of acetates, stearates and basic magnesium carbonates or upgraded MgO grades.
As producers of magnesium oxide we can even provide a custom touch to adapt our products to meet your specific needs. Just get in touch with our sales engineers and R&D teams to guide you through our product portfolio and determine the solution that fits you best.

Normal L Active
Normal L Active® is a high reactive calcined magnesium oxide, produced under closely controlled conditions to give a finely divided ultra-white powder with consistent reactivity.
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Email: info@grecianmagnesite.gr