Hydrometallurgy is a technique within the field of extractive metallurgy involving the use of aqueous chemistry for the recovery of metals from ores. It involves the implementation of several production stages, the final of which involves metal recovery from leachate solutions of the ore.
Selective Precipitation is one of the techniques available for the recovery of the metal or the removal of impurities. Precipitation is typically conducted by controlling the pH of the leachate by use of alkaline reagents, such as lightly calcined (reactive) Magnesium Oxide (MgO).
MgO of high purity, closely controlled (high) activity and fine particle size, can be used to precipitate the hydroxides of metals such as nickel (Ni), cobalt (Co) or uranium (U) from acid leachate solutions of their respective ores.
MgO must be able to simultaneously achieve: (a) acceptable metal recovery performance, (b) highest possible % metal in the precipitate, (c) minimum MgO/metal ratio, (d) closely monitored pH range, and (d) low precipitate concentrations of undesirable ore-originating metals.
We have a long history as one of the foremost magnesium oxide suppliers, being at the forefront of the industry since 1959. We supply “A” brand products with the depth and breadth you need; and our highly reactive MgO - AK98 VHR, is no exception. Just try it!
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Email: info@grecianmagnesite.gr
Hydrometallurgy needs our top performer:
AK98 VHR High Purity Reactive Magnesium Oxide
Hydrometallurgy needs our top performer:
AK98 VHR High Purity Reactive Magnesium Oxide
Whether it is for nickel, cobalt or uranium, hydrometallurgy thrives on optimum product purity and the bare minimum of safety & environmental concerns -our best scores, exactly!